Sunday, September 13, 2009

Portion Control

It's one of the most difficult things to master. There are meals that having the proper portion of leaves me wanting more.

The only difference now, is that instead of ignoring the little voice that tells me I really don't need anymore, I stop. Even if I am still a little hungry. I can have more water. I don't need to keep eating.

It only took me 31 years to figure something that simple out.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Too tired but still did something

Went for a rather nice walk at lunch today, so I decided my sore legs were sore enough. They need a night off. So I took the night off. I'm not snacking, got a few small chores out of the way and am continuing my methodical attack on all the little things around the house.

I weighed myself today. That made me sad. I hate seeing higher numbers than I expected.

All in all, a good day.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'd forgotten how much fun that was

Spent a lovely 10 minutes on the elliptical and then did some hideous floor exercises.

I am still too darn out of shape for those. I'll be better once my cardio is back in shape. It's getting there since my recovery time has shrunken considerably.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Train keeps a rollin'

I have an almost unhealthy addiction to Criminal Minds. They're having a marathon today. We're recording it so we can watch it together later.

I've managed not to snack today. That's always a good thing. I haven't exercised but I will be doing that tomorrow. Trying to form a plan in my mind on what I should do. I'm thinking the burpee countdown with a cross / jab combination and the elliptical should take care of it until we can get our trainer in and she can go through it with me. I need new bag gloves though. I should order them and get them delivered so I can start using them.

Thought of the day: If I don't buy crap, I won't eat crap.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Is this really my ass?

Seriously. What on gods green earth did I do to myself? How did I let it get this bad? I can only blame so much on circumstances.

Circumstance certainly didn't put the junk food in my hand, nor did it feed it to me. It also didn't make me stop exercising entirely. I can blame the inability to completely exercise on circumstances.

But circumstances change. Just like the size of my ass did. And there's no one to blame but me. I got myself into this mess - now it's time to take responsibility for getting myself out of it.